Have you thought about how you could better support your teams now that people have reassessed their approach to how they want to live and work? How can you ensure that, as a result, you don’t lose valued members of your teams?
Below are 5 ways coaching can increase performance and improve retention:
1. Appreciation of the team
According to Business Insider, 77% of teams feel like they are ‘on their own’ when it comes to professional development and growth. Investing in your teams through coaching can, in itself, show that you value your team, that you want to see them progress and that you support them in doing so.
The Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) states that (beyond pay and benefits) practises to improve employee retention and reduce employee turnover are:
Career development
Having a voice
Showing your team that you value them and want to see them performing well at work, as well as being happy outside of work, will lead to a happier workplace. This in turn means people want to stay with your business. Essentially, if you treat people well they will remain more loyal.
Coaching can be a great way of addressing overall wellbeing and career development as it spans all areas of a person’s life.
2. Improved skills
Among the many benefits of coaching is improving and developing an individual’s or a team’s skill set. There are key skills and attributes that are often associated with high performers. These include:
Strong communication skills
High levels of productivity
Collaboration skills
Strive to continually learn and develop
Problem solving skills
These are all areas that someone can be coached on and improved.
Thousands of businesses want to prove their social and environmental credentials through becoming a BCorps (certified B corporation). One of the prerequisites for organisations is to show you are investing in professional training, cross-skills and life skills. Coaching is just one of the beneficial ways companies can do this.

Through investing in these skills, individuals can improve not only their own performance but consequently the performance of your business.
3. Deeper understanding of self
Coaching helps individuals to understand themselves on a deeper level. Exploring their values, purpose, leadership styles, best self and any areas of challenge means they can perform to a higher standard and reach their full potential.
What is a person’s full potential? Living and working to your full potential means higher levels of motivation; greater confidence in yourself and what you are doing; better communication; greater skills of managing upwards and downwards and being able to manage stress effectively.
Coaching aims to achieve all of the above so a person can live according to their purpose and values, reach their goals, problem solve and manage distractions from external ‘noise’ or inner limiting beliefs.
Coaching can also help team members to reflect on their own skills within work, identifying their areas of strength to develop as well as areas for improvement.
Where an employee may feel they need extra training or support, a coach can help them to identify and communicate this effectively, saving time and energy at work.
4. Development of good habits
Developing and maintaining good habits both at home and work can greatly improve an individual’s wellbeing and performance. However, identifying where these positive habits can be formed or learning how to set boundaries can be hard on your own.
Working with a coach will support you in identifying your routines/behaviours and analyse the habit loop of cues, cravings, responses and rewards to ensure any habits created are useful and easy to stick to, whereas any negative habits are broken.

These habits may be at work, for example setting goals or making a list at the start of each week, or they may be personal, for example exercising three times a week to clear the head. Whatever they may be, a coach will help to identify achievable habits that can have a positive effect across all aspects of life.
5. Support beyond work
The Deloitte Global 2021 Millennial and Gen Z survey showed that:
‘nearly four in ten respondents do not believe their employers have taken actions to support their mental wellbeing during the pandemic’
Coaching can offer an objective, external space for people to go to and work through challenges they may face, even if they’re not work related.
Whether a challenge is at home or at work, it is possible they can get in the way of performance.
If a team member is experiencing challenges with a relationship for example, they may not be sleeping well, which can then have negative implications at work. They won’t feel at the top of their game and performance may drop.
Not only can coaching provide strategies and tools to address these challenges, but it can help to build trust and happiness in those providing the support i.e. you and your business!
If you would like to try coaching to improve the performance of your teams or reduce staff turnover, get in touch for more information about individual or group sessions.